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November 13, 2020

​WHAT HAPPENED: The League and its officers were hard at work, and continue to be, 应对北卡罗来纳州社区的挑战和需求,以及如何将所有这些整合到整个州.

WHAT IT MEANS: Today (Friday), 365足彩下载新成立的城市领导人对种族平等的影响特别工作组举行了第一次会议, which we cover in this Bulletin. 由365足彩下载董事会创建的14人工作组的目标是更好地理解和改善影响种族平等的地方政策.

ON TAP: Speaking of goals, 我们有关于365足彩下载党立法政策进程的最新消息,以及我们的城镇已经参与其中的惊人数量. 由西尔瓦市市长琳达·索萨蒙和金斯山市市长斯科特·奈斯勒共同主持的委员会正在推动我们就下一个立法两年期的优先事项进行投票.

THE SKINNY:在我们继续共同应对挑战的同时,请继续阅读以下内容,了解更多细节和其他更新. Thanks for all you do.​

365足彩下载的城市领导人对种族平等的影响特别工作组今天举行了第一次会议, 建立一个目标,帮助城市更好地理解和改善影响种族平等的地方政策. The 14-member task force, created by the League’s Board of Directors, 计划在春季举行会议,并提出切实可行的建议,所有城镇都可以使用这些建议来解决种族不平等问题. “我们的目的是确定每个城市在面临这些挑战时可以采取的切实行动,” said NCLM President and Task Force Co-Chair Jennifer Robinson, a 委员会成员 for the Town of Cary. “特别, 我们想问并回答以下问题:NCLM如何帮助我们的会员获得他们需要的工具和信息,以解决他们所在城镇的种族平等和相关问题?”

Robinson and fellow co-chair Bill Harris, NCLM董事会成员和Fuquay-Varina委员会成员, will lead the group. “There’s a lot of enthusiasm about the task force,哈里斯说。, adding the work will be as important as it is challenging. “如果我们能继续对话,克服有时会让人不舒服的情况, we will be invincible.”

Other members are: Dennis Barber, 市长, Newport; Michael Bell, 委员会成员, Wilson; Steve Rao, 委员会成员, Morrisville; Preston Blakely, Fletcher; Valerie Jones, 市长筹备, Sedalia; Bobby Kilgore, 市长, Monroe; Jeff MacIntosh, 委员会成员, Winston-Salem;  Mark Anthony Middleton, 委员会成员, Durham; Malcolm Graham, 委员会成员, Charlotte; Pat Taylor, 市长, Highlands; Monica Daniels, 委员会成员, Greenville; and Brenda Lyerly, 市长, 横幅麋鹿.

At the initial meeting, NCLM执行主任保罗·迈耶对所有会员的服务表示感谢. 他指出,城市和城镇最适合解决种族平等的主要问题. “Cities and towns have more at stake. Our members – elected officials and staff – see the effects,” Meyer said. 哈里斯说,将全州各地的地方领导人聚集在一起,对于找到最佳方法至关重要. “Hopefully, out of this, we can build the consensus to move forward.” Staff from the National League of Cities involved in its Race, Equity and Leadership initiative will assist in the task force’s work.

我们在最近几周的公报中报道了我们两年一次的立法目标进程, which is based on the direct input of North Carolina cities and towns, and we’re proud to note that we’ve reached a remarkable point in that work. 带头的是由联席主席琳达·索萨蒙(Lynda Sossamon)领导的65人立法政策委员会, the mayor of Sylva, and Scott Neisler, the mayor of Kings Mountain, 他们已经投入了关键的时间来审查和组织我们的城镇各自提交的个人目标.

It’s not a small stack. Before the deadline (now passed), 我们收到了来自115个城市的455个想法,最终形成了80多个不同的目标. 更多的参与意味着全州市政官员更多的参与,以帮助实现这些目标, a huge step toward success.

市长Sossamon和Neisler以及立法政策委员会的其他成员正在继续努力实现目标进程,以便所有成员城市和城镇很快就有机会投票选出他们的优先事项. Stay tuned for more information in the weeks ahead.

N.C. 流行病恢复办公室(NC PRO)将于11月11日举行另一次更新电话会议. 下午两点17分.m.与地方政府合作,提供与冠状病毒救援基金有关的最新信息. This call will feature a Q&A session to help local governments finalize their plans.

Call-in information has been emailed directly to League members. 如果您没有收到此信息或对呼叫有任何疑问, please email the League’s Chris Nida at

从 家乡强, 州政府的倡议主要关注北卡罗莱纳州农村地区的需求, come a number of updates on coronavirus relief programs related to business, 房东, and utility customers:

N.C. 住房机会和防止驱逐(HOPE)计划:不接受额外的资金申请. HOPE Program funding is provided to the state through U.S. 住房和城市发展部社区发展整体拨款-冠状病毒应对和美国.S. Department of Treasury 冠状病毒 Relief allocations. 到目前为止, 北卡罗来纳州已向HOPE项目拨款1.67亿美元,并将关闭申请期,以确保现有申请人获得必要的资金. Since the application period opened on Oct. 15, 超过37个,000 people have applied for assistance through the program, which is expected to deplete currently allotted funds. 州政府官员正在努力获得额外的资金,以确保更多的北卡罗来纳州人获得与大流行相关的财政援助.

N.C. Commerce MURR program: Effective Nov.12、全方位服务餐厅可申请租金或按揭利息宽免.C. Mortgage, Utility and Rent Relief program (MURR), administered by the N.C. Department of Commerce. MURR计划可以为每个符合条件的商业地点提供高达20,000美元的救济资金. 在新冠疫情期间无法运营的某些行业部门的商业和非营利申请人最多可以申请两个营业地点. Detailed information and application materials are available online at

N.C. 商务CBDG CV项目:北卡罗莱纳州商业部农村经济发展司对N有极大的兴趣.C. 冠状病毒 (CDBG CV) Program.  At this time, requests for funds have significantly exceeded the $28.5 Million available.  No additional applications are being accepted. If additional funding becomes available, N.C. Commerce will send notification as quickly as possible. 

Update on the ReTOOL grant fund, 与研究所和卡罗莱纳小企业发展基金合作:  信息 来自研究所和卡罗莱纳小企业发展基金的数据表明,由于需求量很大,申请已经关闭. 企业仍然可以从行政部门获得历史上未充分利用的中心企业认证,或者从DOT获得dbe弱势企业认证,以获得可能分配的任何额外资金.